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Dorit Reiss and Veena Dubal on Religious Accommodations for Vaccine Mandates in Employment

Published on: Author: Zach Price

What duty do healthcare employers have to accommodate employees with religious objections to influenza vaccines? My colleagues Dorit Reiss and Veena Dubal, recognized experts (respectively) in vaccine law and employment discrimination, have teamed up to provide an invaluable primer on the law governing this question. Their bottom-line answer is, “not much.” Professor Reiss and Professor… Continue reading

Veena Dubal on Employee Status in the Gig Economy

Published on: Author: Joan Williams

I have been thinking a lot about my brilliant colleague Veena Dubal’s work on the underbelly of the gig economy or (as Dubal prefers to call it) the precariat. Professor Dubal’s two articles, Wage Slave or Entrepreneur? and The Drive to Precarity combine sophisticated doctrinal analysis with deep ethnographic research to raise some big questions… Continue reading