Monthly Archives: August 2017

Jared Ellias on Bankruptcy Forum Shopping

Published on: Author: Jodi Short

What drives forum-shopping? Is it that sophisticated litigants seek jurisdictions that offer judicial expertise and predictable application of the law, or is it that sophisticated litigants seek to game the system by seeking out judges more likely to be biased in their favor? In “What Drives Bankruptcy Forum Shopping? Evidence from Market Data,” Professor Jared… Continue reading

Veena Dubal on Employee Status in the Gig Economy

Published on: Author: Joan Williams

I have been thinking a lot about my brilliant colleague Veena Dubal’s work on the underbelly of the gig economy or (as Dubal prefers to call it) the precariat. Professor Dubal’s two articles, Wage Slave or Entrepreneur? and The Drive to Precarity combine sophisticated doctrinal analysis with deep ethnographic research to raise some big questions… Continue reading

Joan Williams on Building Interracial Economic Justice

Published on: Author: Veena Dubal

“How could this have happened?” Every day, for the past 200 days or so, I have heard a friend, colleague, or acquaintance mutter some version of this question. As many of us continue to grieve the election of Donald Trump, we ask—rhetorically—why our fellow Americans thought this man was fit to be president. What “we”… Continue reading