Monthly Archives: May 2018

Quiz – Test Your Knowledge – Corrected

A new organization in Wisconsin has created a quiz to help test vaccine knowledge.

Unfortunately, the creators of the quiz appeared to have drawn on incorrect sources. To help set the record straight, we provide the correct answers, with references for further follow-up.


Question 1: How many vaccines does a child need in order to attend public school/daycare?


Kids need optimal protection from disease when attending public school/daycare. To be protected, kids should get the vaccines on the immunization schedule.



Question 2: How long are vaccines typically trialed before being approved for use?



“Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years and involving a combination of public and private involvement.”

“New vaccines must go through a long journey before they are finally approved by the FDA and get added to the recommended immunization schedule.”



Question 3: Which vaccines shed the virus and for how long?


Shedding is real with some vaccines, but is extremely rare and rarely an issue.



Question 4: Which vaccines contain more than the FDA approved amount of aluminum?



None. The FDA requires that any vaccine dose cannot exceed either 0.85 milligram or 1.25 milligram. No vaccine exceeds that.

Aluminum salts in vaccines are safe.



Question 5: What percent increase in reported fetal deaths took place the year the CDC recommended the flu shot to pregnant women?

Flu shots in pregnancy are safe.


The study used to claim an increase in fetal deaths is fatally flawed, because it uses data that does not compare vaccinated and unvaccinated women, and uses unverified reports from a system anyone can report anything to. Studies that did, actually, compare vaccinated and unvaccinated women do not support the claims in the study.


Question 6: About how many vaccine patents does the CDC reportedly own?


The CDC does have patents, but mostly on vaccine technology because they have researchers who developed it.


Question 7: What rank was the US in infant mortality prior to routine vaccination and what is it today?


Infant mortality rates in the United States have been decreasing over past decades and recently reached their lowest level ever.



Question 8: How long after the introduction of routine vaccination did the phenomenon of SIDS come about?



Rates of SIDS have decreased a great bit over the years, even as we have given more vaccines. While the term SIDS is new, the phenomenon has existed for centuries.

Was SIDS Discovered Only After We Began Vaccinating Kids?

On SIDS and vaccines, see also:


Question 9: Which vaccine does the government knowingly admit to causing chronic arthritis?



The rubella vaccine may cause acute (short-lived) but not usually chronic (long-lived) arthritis.
“Joint pain or stiffness occurs in up to 1 in 4 of females past puberty who were not previously immune to rubella; their symptoms generally begin 1 to 3 weeks after vaccination, are usually mild and last about 2 days. These symptoms rarely come back.”

Even though there is no good scientific evidence that the rubella vaccine causes it,chronic arthritis following a rubella containing vaccine is a table injury.

Congress’ intent was that when there is  doubt, it is better to compensate than not compensate. So the Table of Injuries includes some injuries where the scientific evidence connecting vaccines to the injury is weak or speculative. That does not mean all claims will be compensated, or all cases will end on the table, but in this case, chronic arthritis was left on in spite of the weak evidence.


Question 10: In what circumstance can you sue vaccine manufacturers?



You can sue vaccine manufacturers for claims that are not related to vaccine injury. You can also sue them in state court for vaccine injury after going through vaccine court, if your claim is not one of design defect. Claims of design defect have been ruled by the Supreme Court to be limited to going through the no-fault program Congress created for that purpose.



For general discussion of myths about vaccines, see also:


For additional information about vaccines, see also: 

I am grateful to Drs. Paul Offit and Vince Iannelli for their kind help correcting these errors.