Evergreen Drug Patent Search Data Archive
The Evergreen Drug Patent Search Database has gone through several phases or updates since it was first published in 2020. Below, in reverse chronological order, are the three phases, updates within the phases, and associated files available for download. To learn more about this data and the Evergreen Drug Patent Search Database, please visit the About page.
Understanding the file naming convention
The naming convention was created to keep track of two major types of updates. The first type is an expansion of the dataset. The second type is the addition of new columns, functionality, and lenses. However, there is no update made when a minor clean-up occurs.
Example of the naming convention
The part in red is the name of the file. This indicates to the user whether it is the raw dataset or the aggregated dataset. (The raw dataset is what we used as the basis for the calculations but does not include the calculations.) For example, the raw dataset is EvergreenDatasetRaw and the aggregated dataset is EvergreenDatasetAggregated.
The part in blue is the year range that the dataset represents. This indicates the year(s) that the data covers. For example, EvergreenDatasetAggregated_2005-2018_v02 covers patent data from 2005-2018.
The part in yellow is the version that the dataset represents. This indicates that there were additional new columns, and/or functionality were added. For example, when a new column is added the new name of the file will be: EvergreenDatasetAggregated_2005-2018_v03 However, if there was a year expansion, this will reset the version. For example, if the dataset was expanded to cover 2019. The new name would be EvergreenDatasetAggregated_2005-2019_v01.
Questions? Please contact us at C4i@uclawsf.edu
EvergreenDatasetAggregated Download All
EvergreenDatasetRaw Download All
- Added new insights to the analyzed dataset, 2005 -2018. In 2022, the analysis of the Evergreen Drug Patent Database data was expanded, and four new columns of information were added:
- Additional protection time in years (column 9). Prior to this the Additional protection time in months.
- First cliff expiration date (column 6). This is an added column.
- Number of patent type extensions (column 15). Previously the dataset listed all extensions but did not separate them into patent and exclusivities.
- Number of exclusivity type extensions (column 16). Previously the dataset listed all extensions but did not separate them into patent and exclusivities.
- In addition to the new columns, an asterisk was added next to the product name of drugs that were approved pre-2005. Dataset dates: 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2018.
- To download all of the files for phase 3 please use the drop-down menu labeled “Database Phase 3”
- EvergreenDatasetAggregated_Dataset_2005-2018_v02 csv|xlsx
- EvergreenDatasetAggregated_DataDictionary_2005-2018_v02.xlsx
- EvergreenDatasetRaw_2005-2018_v02 cvs|xlsx
- EvergreenDatasetRaw_DataDictionary_2005-2018_v02.xlsx
EvergreenDatasetAggregated Download All
EvergreenDatasetRaw Download All
- Expanded the dataset to 2018 so that it now covers 2005 to 2018. This dataset gathers patent and exclusivity information published in the “Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations” or “Orange Book,” which is a regular FDA publication containing information on approved small molecule drugs, their therapeutically equivalent generics, and the patents and exclusivities attached to approved drugs, among other drug-related data. Dataset dates: 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2018.
- To download all of the files for phase 2 please use the drop-down menu labeled “Database Phase 2”
- EvergreenDatasetAggregated_Dataset_2005-2018_v01 csv|xlsx
- EvergreenDatasetAggregated_DataDictionary_2005-2018_v01.xlsx
- EvergreenDatasetRaw_2005-2018_v01 cvs|xlsx
- EvergreenDatasetRaw_DataDictionary_2005-2018_v01.xlsx
- Original raw dataset covering 2005-2015. This dataset gathers patent and exclusivity information published in the “Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations” or “Orange Book”, which is a regular FDA publication containing information on approved small molecule drugs, their therapeutically equivalent generics, and the patents and exclusivities attached to approved drugs, among other drug-related data. This data was used in the comprehensive study of drug patent evergreening, which can be defined as pharmaceutical company actions that artificially extend or expand the protection horizon or cliffs of their patents. (See About Page for more information about the underlying research by Robin Feldman.) Dates: 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2015.(add footnote)
- To download all of the files for phase 1 please use the drop-down menu labeled “Database Phase 1”